Practical Guide to Obtaining Authorized Economic Operator Certification in Mexico

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The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico is granted by customs authorities to companies recognized as secure and reliable in the international supply chain. Earning this certification provides operational benefits and enhances your company's reputation with business partners and clients. This article explains everything you need to know about this certification.

operador económico autorizado en México

What Is Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Certification in Mexico?

The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico is part of the SAFE Framework of international trade security and facilitation, initiated by the World Customs Organization (WCO). Its primary goal is to strengthen security in the global supply chain while facilitating international trade and reducing risks like smuggling, terrorism, and other threats.

Companies with Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico are recognized as safe and trustworthy partners, enjoying benefits like faster customs procedures, fewer physical and document inspections, and access to mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) with other countries.

4 Key Benefits of AEO Certification in Mexico

Before diving into the certification process, here are the main benefits of becoming an AEO in Mexico::

1. Fewer Inspections: Certified companies face fewer physical and document checks at customs, ensuring smoother movement of goods.

2. Trade Facilitation: Customs processes are expedited, reducing wait times and boosting logistics efficiency.

3. Enhanced Reputation: Being an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico increases international credibility and trust, improving trade relationships.

4. Access to Mutual Recognition Agreements: AEO-certified businesses benefit from agreements with other countries that recognize AEO status, further easing international trade.

5 Key Requirements for AEO Certification in Mexico

To obtain Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico companies must meet specific requirements set by Customs Authorities and the Tax Administration Service (SAT). Here are the main requirements:

1. Tax and Customs Compliance: Companies must demonstrate a clean record in tax and customs compliance, including up-to-date tax payments and no major violations. Interested companies must present evidence of their good tax behavior to the SAT.

2. Security Standards: Security is a key pillar of the Mexican Authorized Economic Operator program. Implement security measures throughout the supply chain, including physical security, controlled access, information security, and vetting of suppliers and customers.

3. Solvencia económica: It is necessary for the company interested in obtaining the certification of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico demonstrate financial solvency. Companies must provide audited financial statements and prove financial stability, and ensuring the ongoing implementation of required security controls.

4. Risk Assessment:Conduct a comprehensive risk analysis to identify vulnerabilities in the supply chain and implement measures to mitigate them. Based on this analysis, the necessary corrective measures must be implemented to mitigate any threats that may compromise security.

5. Active Participation in International Trade: To be eligible for certification, Authorized Economic Operator Mexico, companies must be actively involved in international trade as importers, exporters, or service providers with at least three years of activity.

 cuáles son los requisitos para obtener la certificación Operador Económico Autorizado México

What is the process to obtain the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico certification?

The process to obtain the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certification in Mexico consists of several stages that must be followed rigorously. Here are the key steps:

1. Initial assessment: The first step is to conduct an internal assessment to evaluate compliance with the OEA program's requirements and regulations. This assessment allows the company to identify areas for improvement in terms of security and customs compliance enabling the implementation of necessary actions before applying for certification.

2. Application submission: After the assessment and addressing any deficiencies, the company must formally submit the application to the SAT and General Customs Administration. This application includes documents proving compliance with the mentioned, requirements and a detailed action plan to ensure continuous adherence to security standards.

3. Audit and verification visit: Once the application is submitted, customs authorities will audit the company's security processes and measures. Additionally, they will conduct an on-site verification visit to ensure that security controls meet the standards required by the program.

During this phase, authorities may request additional documentation and conduct interviews with personnel responsible for supply chain security.

4. Evaluation and approval: After completing the audit and verification visit, customs authorities will evaluate the results and determine if the company meets the requirements to obtain the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico certification. If all criteria are met, the certification will be granted, valid for three years, and renewable through a similar process.

At EO Consulting,we have a team specialized in foreign trade and customs that will guide you through the entire process of obtaining the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico certification. From the initial assessment to the final audit, we help you implement the necessary security and compliance standards, ensuring that your company meets all the requirements to achieve this valuable status and enjoy its benefits.

cómo obtener la certificación de Operador Económico Autorizado México

3 Tips to speed up the certification process 

Obtaining the certification can be a long and demanding process, so it is advisable to take some steps to speed up the process:

1. Hire specialized consulting: Working with an expert in AEO certification can make it easier to understand the requirements and ensure compliance at every stage of the process.

2. Maintain rigorous document control: Having all required documentation, such as financial statements, tax compliance records, and evidence of security measures, organized and up to date is crucial to avoid delays.

3. Involve the entire team: Success in obtaining the certification depends on commitment at all levels of the company. Ensure that all personnel are trained and aware of security standards and their importance.

How long does it take to obtain the certification?

The timeline varies depending on the company's size and the complexity of its operations, but the entire process can take between six months and a year.

What happens if the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico certification is not renewed?

If the certification is not renewed, the company will lose the benefits associated with the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico status and will need to start the process from scratch to obtain it again.

Obtaining the Authorized Economic Operator Mexico certification not only ensures a higher level of security in the supply chain but also positions companies as reliable international business partners.By following the outlined steps and meeting the requirements, your company can enjoy the multiple benefits this certification offers, improving operational efficiency and reducing risks associated with foreign trade.

At EO Consulting, we provide expert advice on foreign trade, focusing on customs management and regulatory compliance to ensure that your company operates efficiently and in accordance with the law. Contact us to learn how we can support your import and export activities.

Consulting in Foreign Trade and Customs matters.

At EO Consulting, we are committed to offering effective and personalized solutions for your Foreign Trade needs. Whether you need legal advice, optimization of customs operations, or any other specialized service, our team of experts is ready to assist you. Contact us!